
18 2023

Tzuzammen (Together) Lunch

1:00PM - 3:00PM  

Pink Basil 27 Coogan Boulevard
Building 3B
Mystic, CT 06355
(860) 245-4470

Contact Ella Sackett
(860) 598-0545

JFEC will have a monthly BYOT (bring your own transportation) & BYOM (bring your own money) lunch. Every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 1:00 p.m., we will meet at a different venue in the area for eating, schmoozing, and peer learning. Please join us for some together time. Contact Ella Sackett at (860) 598-0545 to make your reservation.

This week's Tzuzammen Lunch will be at Pink Basil in Olde Mistick Village (27 Coogan Blvd Building 3B, Mystic, CT 06355). Dan Gezari will speak about his mother, Temima Gezari’s, art. Please RSVP by Friday, Oct 13.